St. Joseph and Brother Andre December 2001Newsletter
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Welcome to the Saint Joseph and Brother Andre Newsletter!

Welcome to the first issue of the Newsletter! This newsletter will be a humble attempt to promote the devotion to St. Joseph and Blessed Brother Andre. We hope to do this by placing items of interest to you the reader. We will accomplish this by placing your petitions out for prayer and also give a testimonial when you are granted favors from St. Joseph and Blessed Brother Andre. We will encourage your feedback. Tell us what you would like to know about St. Joseph and Brother Andre--and we'll try to bring you the answers. Your feedback will be vital to the Newsletter's success.

To create this e-zine, I just sat down and thought to myself: what do I like to read? The content comes from a variety of sources: some I've written myself, some has been written by friends, and some has been contributed by other Internet users just like you.

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